Monday, August 2, 2021

Avatar GLOG: Exorcist

 A conversion of Skerple’s Exorcist class( for Xenophon’s Avatar GLOG(

Why? Simple, I figured a exorcist focused on dealing with yōkai would work well for a ATLA-esque setting, plus it’s a non-bending class that gets to interact with supernatural things off the bat. 

Note: Many features of the Exorcist class mention Yōkai. In the context of the Exorcist class, a Yōkai is any sort of spirit, be it a nature spirit, an undead creature, or an elemental. A kitsune is a Yōkai, and so are a zombie and a living ball of fire. If your game has GLOG-esque wizards, then their spells may also count as Yōkai, if they are living things as most GLOG games assume.



Equipment: A backpack, a bedroll, a holy symbol, a weapon, 20 units of ammunition if the chosen weapon uses ammunition, and 50 Warding Marks

A: Exorcism, Warding

B: +1 HP

C: +1 Attack, +1 HP

D: +1 HP

Exorcism: Through ritual and faith you invoke and restore the natural order of the world. Make an opposed Spirit test against a Yōkai, curse, or disease inside a living creature. You must be within 10’ of the creature to make this check, and the creature must be able to see and hear you. If you pass, the target is banished from its host. If you fail, you take the creature’s HD in damage. You can attempt this test once per hour per Yōkai. Banishing a target simply removes it from the host, it does *not* grant immunity.


You can use Warding Marks (special coins, pieces of parchment, or ribbons) to ward an area. The marks can only be used safely once per day. Each additional use costs HP, starting at 1 and increasing by 1 with each use beyond the second. The marks last until cancelled or destroyed. Only 1 set of marks can be active at any given time.

The marks can be used in 2 different ways:

1. Detection: Any Yōkai passing within 1’ of a Mark will cause it to change color, glow, or flicker. An area up to 20’x[Exorcist Templates] in radius can be warded. The marks cannot be fooled.

2. Barrier: An area up to 10’x[Exorcist Templates] in radius is covered in Marks. Yōkai outside the Marks cannot enter; Yōkai inside the Marks cannot leave. The marks also block scrying spells. If the Exorcist crosses the boundary for any reason the effect ends.

Example Exorcist Techniques:

Yōkai Sense:

Requirement: Exorcist A

Effect: Choose a sense. This sense can detect Yōkai within [Exorcist templates] * 50’ feet of you, even in complete darkness, but Yōkai with more HD than you that are in disguise or possessing something can make a Spirit Save to stay hidden. You can also use this sense to tell Yōkai apart.

Turn Yōkai:

Requirement: Exorcist A

Effect: You can now Exorcise host-less Yōkai. This works as normal, but on a successful Exorcism, the Yōkai must flee the presence of you and any people who fit [Exorcist Template] specific categories you verbally say until the sun next rises.

Castigating Banishment:

Requirement: Exorcist D, or Exorcist A, but you must kill a Yōkai that has killed at least one innocent person, by starving it.

Effect. When you successfully Exorcise a Yōkai, you can choose to inflict [your level] damage to it when you do so.

Discerning Marks:

Requirement: Exorcist A

Effect: You can name [Exorcist template] Yōkai when you use your Marks. The Marks will not affect them for that usage.

Paralyzing Marks:

Requirement: Exorcist B, or Exorcist A and 13+ Spirit.

Effect: When one of your Marks or something you have placed a Mark on touches a Yōkai, that Yōkai must make an opposed Spirit roll against you. If it fails, it is paralyzed in [Exorcist Template] limbs as long as the Mark or Marked object is touching it.

Soul of Iron

Requirement: Exorcist B or Exorcist A, but you must exorcise a possessing Yōkai from your body.

Effect: You can take 1 damage to gain a +2 bonus to any Save against Fear, a direct spiritual attack (foxfire, soul drain), or any soul-altering effect (such as a curse or enchantment). You can spend as many HP as you would like. Wounds appear as stigmata or premature aging.

Zone of Truth:

Requirement: Exorcist C or Exorcist A, but you must have solved the mystery behind a truly heinous crime. 

Effect: Your soul is clad in ice. You are unsettling and extremely odd. No one can lie to you about murder. They can evade, they can remain silent, but if they go to speak, they cannot lie... and they feel the weight of their guilt on them.

Ward the Elements:

Requirement: Exorcist A

Effect: Bending attacks and naturally existing, in-animate elements count as Yōkai for the purpose of your abilities.

Deny the Hearts of Mortalkind

Requirement: Exorcist D, or Exorcist A, but you must have lost all faith in the world.

Effect: Humans and all other natural(ie, non supernatural) animals count as Yōkai for the purpose of your abilities.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Eldritch Corruption (a Legallydistinctémon post)

 Yeah I’m hoping onto this train.

So, have a post of a mechanic inspired by Shadow Pokemon(one of my favorite gimmicks of Pokemon), and the corruption mechanic from Sundered, with my team of Legiamon being at the end.

(This image, like all Pokemon stuff, belongs to Nintendo, it’s just a good (if tame) example of a corrupted mon)

Within the world exist unholy artifacts called ‘Abyssal Mutagen’, shards of eldritch power borne of long dead gods. When used to perform a ritual with a Legiamon that has a type which matches that of the mutagen, the mon can be filled with that eldritch power, corrupting it into a stronger form.

Only a fool would use their power.. a fool like a desperate player character in need of a edge. The power they grant is great, but twists those who wield it.

Corrupted Legiamon resemble mutated forms of their original species, with a lovecraftion theme to said mutations. 

Mechanically, the Corruption grants the mon a Move determined by the Mutagen, and the ability to roll it’s HD as MD that do not leave the pool. However, when rolling it’s HD, it takes damage equal to the HD’s sum per move.

Each Corrupted Legiamon in your team increases the difficulty of saves that non-corrupted Legiamon in your team make by 1 per corrupted mon, as their unearthly presence inspires fear.

And here’s the template for Abyssal Mutagens:

Type: What type(s) the Mutagen is. The target must possess all of the Mutagen’s types.

Form: What it looks like.

Gift: What it’s mutations tend to look like. Note. Tend. Go nuts as long as it fits the theme of the Mutagen.

Ritual: What you do to use it. Performing the ritual consumes the Mutagen however:

Move: And what move it grants.

Example Mutagen:

Blasphemous Venom of Yig

Type: Poison

Form: This Mutagen resembles a purple liquid that hums with the hissing of death. You feel weak just looking at it.

Gift: Serpentine mutations, such as snakes for hair, limbs fusing into serpent tails or heads, gaining scales and fangs...

Ritual: Fill a empty serpent’s fang with the poison, then drive it into the heart of the mon. Their spasming flesh shall push it out without permanent harm.

Move: Yiggic Toxin: The mon bites their prey and injects them with lethal poison. One target with a level less then the user’s must Save or drop to 0 - [sum] HP.


My team:

Antipophiss, a unique Rock type. This Legiamon resembles a large serpentine statue, made of dark blue rocks. This Legiamon was a ancient weapon of mass destruction, unsealed by the tamer who discovered it. In combat, it buries it’s enemies under the sand it creates from the surrounding area. When it Levels Up, it’s powers go wild and create a perpetual sandstorm that shrouds it, anything that becomes lost within it breaking down into sand. 

L1R9 H5 PD5

Desertifcation: The target saves or they slowly turn to sand. If they fail the save, then at the end of their next [dice] turns, the target loses HP equal to 1/10th of their max HP as their body collapses into sand.


Centicide, a Bug Type. This huge and blind centipede like Legiamon changes through the color of the rainbow as it moves. It hunts by it’s incredibly strong vibration sense-slash-hearing, and can hear your heartbeat from a mile away. It is extremely possessive of it’s tranquil forest territory, and anything that disturbed the silence will be torn apart by it’s saw like teeth. When it Level Up, it’s antennae, and hence the range of it’s hearing, grows.

L1R5 H1 PD5

Hundred Rend: The target takes [sum] damage as they’re rent by the Legiamon’s teeth. At the end of the subsequent rounds, they take X damage, where X is equal to the damage they took from this move last round minus 1(minimum 0), as they bleed.


Golple, a Grass Type. This Legiamon resembles a apple, if apples had golden eyes pressing against it’s skin from the inside, and where dragged around by the hand of blackened roots that grows from it’s stem. They’re dangerously helpful, shoving their regeneratively petrifying flesh down the throats of any injured things. When they Level Up, their flesh turns to gold as the eyes bulge and break through the skin. They’re the other sexes form of the rare Goldemaw, a mouth-shaped Legiamon made of roots from a tiny little golden leaf, that injects it’s seeds into statues with it’s teeth.

L1 R8 H4 PD5

Midas Flesh: Tears off a chunk of it’s flesh and feeds it to a wounded target. The Golple loses [dice] HP, while the target gains [sum + dice] Gold HP. Gold HP functions just like normal HP, but if a creature has no non-Gold HP, it is turned into a golden statue until it’s healed.

Crawmag, a Fighting type. This Legiamon resembles a brown praying mantis shrimp the size of a child. This Legiamon punch with such force it can’t be seen coming, and even if it misses completely it shatters bone, and wanders the dried out sea in search of a challenge. Despite it’s challenge seeking nature, it’s pride means it will not fight without being paid before every attack. When it Levels up, it clads itself in armor made from the bones of it’s foes, it’s club like raptorial limbs gain bone spikes fashioned from it’s armor, and of course, it gains two more such limbs.

L9 H1 PD9

Move: Soundbreaker Punch: The Legiamon punchs with such speed it breaks the sound barrier. Deals [sum] + [dice] damage to a single target.


Kniise, a Flying/Ghost Legiamon. This horrible bird resembles a translucent brown goose. They are born with the dead’s hatred of the world in their beady red eyes, and are always clutching a knife in their beak. When it Levels Up, it’s feathers turn into brown knives, and it gains the ability to glide silently despite the horrible racket the knife feathers make.

L1 R3 H2 PD2

Horrible Knife: The Kneese attacks the target with their knife in a honking frenzy. The target takes [dice] damage, then, if the target has [sum] or less HP, they promptly die horribly as a vital organ or artery is punctured or cut.

Traded for: 

KOMBAT KORAL, a Fighting Type. This one looks like a brown-and-black mass of brain coral, being shuffled about by anemone tentacles. When it levels up, the anemone becomes longer and bioluminescent. A JUDOCOPUS from a rival dojo keeps following it around and hassling it.


PARALYZING FLURRY OF CHOPS AND KICKS. Deal [sum] damage; the target is frozen for [dice] rounds or until they save.


Ovumnade, a Dragon type. A temperamental and wingless dragon with sticky yellow flesh, which uses it’s broken egg shell as armor to protect it’s vitals. When angered, it can detonate the chemicals responsible for it’s stickyness to create a massive blast that levels the surrounding area. When it levels up, it’s whip like tail is covered in sticky grenades it can fling at it’s prey.  

L1 R4 H3 PD2

Move: Detonation: The user explodes(but takes no damage). All other creatures within [sum * 5] take [dice] + X damage, where X is equal to how much HP Ovumnade has lost. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Making Ghosts of Men(GLOG Class: Fighter)

 So, on the OSR discord. Discussion once turned to how to make the Fighter interesting. This is my attempt to do so.

                     [Picture from Kill 6 Billion Demons by Abaddon, I do not own it]

You are not a lesser warrior. You are a true Fighter, with a burning will. Your weapon is a brush, the blood of your enemies is your paint, and the world is your canvas. Go, and paint the world you want to see. 

For every template in Fighter you have, you gain +1 max HP and +1 to Hit. 

Starting Equipment: Leather Armor, two Weapons of your choice, and 20 ammunition for your weapon(s) (if it uses some sort of ammunition), 1d4 enemies of varying levels of renown, and one Memento.

Starting Skills: 1d3: Hunter, Soldier, Sailor

A: Murder Die(MuD), Parry, d6 MuD

B: Bloody Grit, d8 MuD

C: Cleave, Massacre, d10 MuD

D: Crimson Will, d12 MuD

Murder Die: You are exceptionally skilled in the art of making ghosts. Whenever you land a attack, you roll this dice. The fighter's Murder Die starts at d6 and increases by one step for each additional template.

If the Murder Die comes up as a 6 or greater, that attack is a Murderous Attack if it hits. Murderous Attacks deal 3x damage. Ie if you roll a 1 on damage, the attack deals 3 damage.

Parry: When you would take damage from a attack, you can roll your Murder Die  Subtract the result of that roll from the damage you would take. If the MuD comes up as six or more, or you take no damage from the attack, you can also choose to do one of the following:

  • Send the opponent’s attack back at them. They roll damage, and then take that damage. If the attack is a ranged attack, you launch it back at them.
  • Disarm the opponent of their weapon, causing them to drop it. If it’s a ranged attack, you knock it back at them and have it hit them but not deal damage. If it’s a natural attack, you cut off the part used to make said attack.

You cannot parry spells or area of effect attacks.

Bloody Grit: You are so stubborn that you can do what normal people think is impossible. 

Whenever you roll the MuD, you can pay any amount of HP, and increase the result of the MuD’s roll by that amount, up to the MuD’s max roll. In addition when you fail a roll or Save, you can pay HP equal to the difference between your roll and the target number to succeed on the roll instead.

In addition, your Attacks always count as magical when it comes to hurting or killing something that can only be hurt/slain with magic.

Cleave: You have learned that victory is a continuous cutting motion. When you kill a enemy with a attack, you can make another attack against a enemy in range. You can also move before making this attack.

Massacre: Your will is like fire. All who stand too close will burn. At the end of your turn, you can designate up to [your level] enemies within attack range. Roll your MuD, once for each enemy, and allocate the results to each enemy, who takes their allocated result as damage.

Crimson Will: Your will just *will not break.* You are immune to any mind altering effect, and can now parry spells and area of effect attacks. In addition, [template] times per day, as a action during combat, you can roll your MuD, and heal the result’s worth of damage through refusing to die.

Author’s Note: I’m not too sure on if you should get both Cleave and Massacre, as both are meant to help you deal with groups.

1d6 Mementos of the Fighter

1. Old Mask: A old white mask. The only feature on it is a a large hole cut into the middle. When worn, you can see how many lives a creature has taken, with the number hovering over their head. 

2. Prayer Beads: A necklace of prayer beads, held together with a human hair. If you spend a entire round praying with it, all unholy (to you) creatures who hear it must Save, or be filled with a desire for death for [your level] turns.

3. Ashen Glove: A black glove, seemingly made of ashes. When you snap your fingers with the hand wearing it, it summons a small flame, just enough to set fire to something flammable, above your thumb.

4. Frost Boots: These heavy leather boots are always cold to the touch. Any liquid the boots touch when worn, freezes. This includes blood.

5. Skull Marbles: Six marbles. When rolled, they release a howling sound that drives knives into the listener’s brain, making them take [number of marbles being rolled] bonus damage from all sources. Only those who have taken a innocent life can hear them.

6. Skeleton Key: A key made of human bone, painted blue. When you put it in a skull’s eye socket and ‘unlock’ it, you gain the corpse’s memories of their last day alive.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

35 Techniques for the Avatar GLOG

As the title says. I’ll be making five techniques for each of Xenophon’s Avatar Glog(’s classes(including each kind of bender).

Note. I own none of the gifs, and each of the martial classes’ example four template technique is meant to let them stand toe to toe against a Bender.


Combustion Bending:

Prerequisite: Firebender A

You can make points you see explode through firing a beam of fire at them. The explosion has a radius of [dice * 10]’, dealing [sum] damage to all inside. You must be still to use Compustion Bending, and solid objects that you can see through(like glass) stop the beam and make it explode, in-fact anything that stops the beam makes it explode.

However, you cannot firebend the same hour as you Combustion Bend, not without exploding due to your Chi not being wired the right way to do so.

Body Heat Control

Perquisite: Fire Bending A

You can now use your fire bending to raise or lower your own body heat by breathing.


Perquisite: Body Heat Control

You can use your bending to increase the temperature of a object you can see by [sum] through pushing your own heat into it.

Azure Fire

Perquisite: Firebender D

You can now create and bend blue colored fire, which is hotter then normal fire. Bending attacks made with it deal twice as much damage, but anything within [dice * 5]’ of the target, including you, take [sum] damage as well from the heat.

Energy Reading

Firebender A, 13+ Spirit

If you touch a living creature, you can diagnose any condition they may be suffering through reading their body heat and guiding along the body’s pathways.

You may also use this technique to try and heal a spiritual wound done to someone on a [dice] in 6. All BD used in this fashion are automatically expended.



Perquisites: Waterbender A

You can control plants with your waterbending through controlling the water inside of them.

Water Drain

Perquisites: Waterbender A

You can desiccate plants to draw water out of them - 1 ounce for a flower, one cup for a shrub, one gallon for a tree. 

Water Vampirism:

Perquisites: Water Drain

You can drain water from animals. When you make a bending attack, you choose for it to be a drain attack. The target must Save vs your bending or take [Sum] damage as [Sum] ounces of water are removed from their body. 

Aqua Constructs:

Perquisites: Waterbender A

You can invest BD to create semi-solid objects out of water. The invested BD can only be used to bend the constructs, and removing the BD from them causes the construct to collapse, and they only act fully solid when being bended.


Perquisites: Healing Hands, Spirit 13+

You can use Healing Hands on a spirit or such to rid it of impurities or add impurities to it. If it doesn’t want you to do it, you have to succeed on a Bending Attack to do so.



Perquisites:  Earthbender B

You can control sand with your earth bending, though the style to do so resembles air or water bending more then normal Earthbending.


Perquisites:  Sandbending

You can now control glass with your Earthbending, and use it to turn sand into glass. Bending attacks made with glass bending can cut things instead of just smashing them with a rock. 

Earth Armor

Perquisites: Earthbender A

You can invest BD to create armor of earth around yourself. The invested dice cannot be used to bend the armor and removing the BD from it causes it to collapse. The user of this technique takes -[dice invested] damage.


Perquisites: Earthbender D

If you are underground, you can bend the bones of living things you see. You can’t use it to take control of somebody’s body, as Earthbending is too stiff to do so, but you can force them to move [sum]’, their body sliding across the ground, as part of a successful bending attack.

Earth Sealing

Earthbender B, 13+ Spirit

You can use your Earthbending to seal immaterial things, such as spirits or ghosts, into objects that you can bend. Once you seal something into a object, you must lay down [dice] rules on how the bound thing acts, including a clause for the being to free itself. Binding a being that does not agree with the terms/rules requires a number of successful Bending Attacks from the sealer equal to it’s HD/Level.


Sound Bending:

Perquisite: Airbender A

You can roll BD to perfectly replicate sounds through directing vibrating jetstreams. The sound can emerge from any direction, but it is audible only by up to [sum] targets.

(This technique came from BaaL over on the OSR server, and was posted with his permission)

Shattering Song

Perquisite: Sound Bending

You can roll your BD to shatter solid objects by bending the air to create a frequency that resonates with it. Up to [sum * 10] of the material, originating from a point the user can see, breaks apart. When used on living things or something worn by a living thing, treat it as a bending attack, with the destruction of the target’s armor or such as additional effect.


Perquisite: Sound Bending

You can use your Sound Bending to cancel out up to [dice] sounds per use, through creating a frequency that cancels out the sound’s own frequency.

Wind Slam:

Perquisite: Airbender A

When you succeed on a bending attack, you can choose to instead of doing damage, move the target [sum]’ in any direction.

Astral Projection:

Perquisite: Airbender A, 13+ Spirit

You can remove your spirit from your body and travel outside of it. As a spirit, you cannot be seen or heard by the physical world, but cannot physically interact with anything. Your spirit automatically returns to your body within [dice] hours, and if your body dies, your trapped as a spirit for [dice] days, after which you die.



Perquisites: Warrior A.

When you reduce a enemy to 0 HP, you can make another attack on a enemy within range, through continuing on the momentum with your previous attack.

Iron Whirlwind

Perquisites: Warrior B, Cleave

You can make a extra attack per round. In addition, when Cleave triggers, you can move before attacking.

Armor Master 

Perquisites: Warrior B

The DR of Armor you wear is increased by one.

Juggernaut Smash

Perquisites: Warrior C

You add the DR of Armor you wear as bonus damage to your melee attacks you make, as you add the weight of your armor to the blow.

Heaven Cutting Blade:

Perquisites: Warrior D, Expert Swordsman, Spirit 13+

You come to a enlightenment about the nature of conflict. Write it down on your character sheet.

Expert Swordsman takes effect as long as you wield a edged weapon. In addition, you gain 4 Cut Die(CD). These work as bending die, but for cutting things, and their dice size is equal to the size of a bladed weapon your wielding’s damage dice. You cannot use CD if doing so contradicts your enlightenment on the nature of conflict. 


Graceful Dance:

Perquisites: Acrobat A

When you succeed on a Dodge check to dodge a attack, you can also move, even if you have already moved this turn.


Perquisite: Acrobat B

When you succeed on a Dodge check to dodge a attack, you can make a attack against the target that automatically hits.

Disarming Strike

Perquisite: Acrobat B

When you succeed on a attack, instead of doing damage, you can remove a weapon from the target’s hand, sending it flying up to [your level * 5’] in any direction.


Perquisite: Acrobat C

You can treat liquids as solids for the purpose of moving across them, but if you stop, you will instantly sink from breaking the liquid’s tension.

Endless Road Walker

Perquisites: Acrobat D, Water-Running,

13+ Spirit

You come to a enlightenment on the nature of freedom. Write it on your sheet. This enlightenment allows you to walk on the fabric of the world itself.

Water-Running no longer fails when you come to halt on liquids.

You gain 4 Distortion Dice(DD). These work as Bending Dice, but for teleportation. These are d10, but are reduced by 1 step(d10->d8->d6->d4), per point of dodge penalty your under. You cannot use Freedom Dice if doing so contradicts your enlightenment on the nature of freedom. 


Toxic Surprise

Perquisites: Rogue A

You have learned how to use poison against your foes, and how to minimize how much you use without losing effectiveness. When you deal damage with a Sneak Attack, you can make the target Save or suffer the effects of one poison in your inventory.

Shadow Walk:

Perquisites: Rogue B

You can move in shadows easily and quietly. When you are in shaded areas or darkness, you can choose to become effectively invisible for as long as you want, unless you enter a area brighter then a shaded one. You still make noise however.

Terrifying Stalker

Perquisites: Rogue B

You’ve learned how to take advantage of your enemy’s fear. The effects of Sneak Attack now apply to any enemy who is scared of you. If a target is scared of you and unaware of your presence, Sneak Attacks deal 4x damage.

Life Thief 

Perquisites: Rogue C

You have learned how to, when you strike from ambush, how to steal life from your enemy. When you land a Sneak Attack, you heal HP equal to one half(rounded up) of the damage of that Sneak Attack. 

Gift Taking Shadow

Perquisites: Rogue D, Life Thief 13+ Spirit

You come to a enlightenment regarding the nature of power. Write it on your sheet. This enlightenment teaches you how to take power.

When you hit a creature with Sneak Attack, instead of damage, you can take one of the following from your target:

  • A Bending Dice, which you can use to bend their element. While you have it, they lose a Dice, but it’s always depleted when used. (This can also be used on Cutting or Distortion Dice)
  • A supernatural ability(like invisibility). Such taken abilities return to their owner after they are used. (Ie after you use the invisibility and it runs out)

A ability only becomes permanently yours if you kill the being you took it from. You cannot take a ability if doing so contradicts your enlightenment on the nature of power.